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First Time Registering?

If you have never registered for a program on this website, you will need to setup an account to get started.

Required Fields are marked with an asterisk *

Account Login Information

Please provide an email and password (minimum 6 characters) for the primary subscriber of your account. Keep this information to register your participants for additional programs in the future and to gain access to subscriber features, such as invoice history, participant profiles and family calendars.

Account & Subscriber Information

Setting up an account with the GCA is FREE!  You may sign up to receive notifications from us regarding news, upcoming events, and program registration.  You may select your communication preferences from this account and also register for programming from this account (which is why additional information is collected). 

Please provide the main contact for this account (parent or guardian if registering a child). Participants can be added to the account once created. 

A valid community association membership is required for registration in most GCA programs.  All programs (unless specified) require a valid membership.  Please purchase a membership at checkout OR have your existing membership ready as you will be prompted at the checkout to verify information about your membership.  If you have a registered with us this year, your account will indicate your membership status.

Communication Preferences

Become a GCA Member Today!


Your membership supports the Greystone Community Association.  Membership supports our rink, community events, and programs.